Curtain call for our customers: Bakery & patisserie Plentz
The Plentz bakery and patisserie from Schwante in Brandenburg is a family-run artisan business with nine branches and 170 employees with high social values and impressive standards of regionality. When the old bread roll line reached its limits, a new one was needed. The bakery opted for an Eco Twin from Koenig.

There is more depth to the decision to purchase a new bread roll machine than Plentz Bakery & Confectionery expected
When we started with the subject, we soon realized how deep it goes. It's not just about a machine, but about a process that includes new refrigeration technology and new processes.
Bakery boss Karl-Dietmar Plentz
During a visit to the südback trade fair in Stuttgart, Mr. Plentz inspected the new version of the Eco Twin, which Koenig was exhibiting there. After viewing an Eco Twin line in live operation at the diaconia in Bielefeld, they were convinced. “Together with our project manager, I was standing in front of the machine one night and we noticed that the operator, a man with a health handicap, could handle the technology. And I thought that was a very strong argument.”
In addition to the ease of operation, Mr. Plentz was impressed by the uncomplicated product change and cleaning of the machine. The fact that the after-sales service is guaranteed was also decisive, as was the balanced price-performance ratio.

Everything that is round or long rolled
The bakery runs all round or long rolled baked goods through the Eco Twin. The new machine produces rolled, cut or stamped baked goods with three stamping tools, including six types of wheat and sprinkled rolls, cheese rolls, dough pieces for crumble rolls and donuts.
Bread roll production now runs more efficiently and is profitable again. The depositing of the dough pieces is program-controlled and runs in five rows at Plentz. After processing, the dough pieces are deposited in planks, gently guided over a cooling curve - not frozen - and delivered to the stores by refrigerated transport.

Bakery and patisserie Plentz - a company with a focus on social values
The Plentz bakery & patisserie has been practising regionality for years, long before the topic became fashionable. “In 2002, we started growing our own grain, an old variety with the illustrious name Champagne rye,” says Karl-Dietmar Plentz.
Fridays and Saturdays are wood-fired oven baking days. Farmhouse breads, herb breads and crumble cakes are baked in the brick-built wood-fired oven opposite the main store. The bakery sells most of its products through its nine branches. All of them are high-turnover locations with a focus on the bakery store and an adjoining café.
The company is characterized by its social, Christian values. This is expressed, among other things, in a literal cooperation with the customers. The company boss sees proximity to the customer as one of the greatest strengths of his business. Closeness is also practiced towards the 170 employees.
In the places where we are represented, we live with the people.
Karl-Dietmar Plentz
The stores are open six days a week, but never on Sundays. “I know for sure that we would do good business on Sundays. Nevertheless, my wife and I decided right from the start: Sunday belongs to the family."
Read the full article in brot+backwaren.
Read more about the Plentz Bakery & Confectionery.
Die Filialen haben sechs Tage die Woche geöffnet, nur sonntags nie. „Ich weiß ganz sicher, dass wir sonntags gute Geschäfte machen würden. Dennoch haben meine Frau und ich von Beginn an entschieden: Der Sonntag gehört der Familie.
Read the entire article in brot+backwaren.
Read more about the bakery & patisserie Plentz.
Image rights: baking+biscuit/baumfalk

Eco Twin - the efficient bread roll line:
The compact roll line for all standard rolls, optimized for higher output and easier cleaning. This line is the ideally efficient support for your production:
- maximale Stundenleistung je nach Arbeitsbreite der Anlage: 4.200 bis 6.120 Stück
- kombinierbar mit verschiedenen Kopfmaschinen der König Rex-Baureihe für 6-, 5- und 4-reihige Arbeitsweise
- bei 800 mm Arbeitsbreite serienmäßig mit Direktabsetzung zur Produktion von Teiglingen ohne Gärschrankbetrieb
- austauschbare Schneidestation mit 3-, 4-, oder 5-Durchziehskalpellmessern; bei 800 mm Arbeitsbreite auch mit 6-Durchziehskalpellmesser erhältlich
- automatische UV-Entkeimungsanlage zur Sterilisation der leeren Gehänge vor jeder Nachbelegung
- intuitive, frei programmierbare SPS-Steuerung für Reinigung und Wartung
- Gehänge und Drucktassen zur Reinigung leicht aus der Anlage entnehmbar
- glatte Oberflächen, auch auf der Anlagenrückseite, und großflächige Türen zur Einsicht in den Produktionsprozess und zur besseren Reinigung
- maximum hourly output depending on the working width of the line: 4,200 to 6,120 pieces
- can be combined with various dividing and rounding machines from the Koenig Rex series for 6-, 5- and 4-row operation
- with 800 mm working width with direct depositing as standard for the production of dough pieces without proofer operation
- Interchangeable cutting station with 3-, 4- or 5-pass scalpels; also available with 6-pass scalpels for 800 mm working widths
- Automatic UV disinfection system for sterilizing the empty hangers before each reloading
- intuitive, freely programmable PLC control for cleaning and maintenance
- swings and pressure cups can be easily removed from the system for cleaning
- smooth surfaces, including on the backside of the line and large doors for a complete insight into the production processes and better cleaning
Read more about the Eco Twin roll line.